
project #2: dress for my co-worker's wedding
it's hard to say what inspired me to get crazy with this item (the second piece of clothing i've ever sewn), except i realized i didn't have anything even approaching appropriate for a new jersey formal evening wedding. so i got the bug, and went crazy. the design is new look pattern 6615, itself a cheaper version of several other patterns that my fabric store doesn't/wasn't carry(ing). so i actually saved about $11 by buying this one. but i knew i wanted it longer and tighter and without ties. i've never sewn in a zipper (let alone a hidden zipper) before so i was a little nervous about that. the best part of it, for me, was sizing the whole thing down not one but TWO sizes by just sketching on the pattern itself. i'm very proud about that aspect. overall, i think it turned out pretty well. i love the fabric. a caveat: these pictures are terrible. believe it or not, they were taken in the morning. but it's been raining here in biblical proportions, so that explains why it looks like it's midnight. sadly, i have no excuse for the fact that NONE of them are in focus.


party people. crafters. get ready to rumble.
which translates roughly to: this is the blog where i will be displaying my lame crafts for the two people who are interested in them. word.

project #1: farewell embroidery thing for my dear friend, han.
this was inspired largely by jenny hart's portraits and designs. it is on way-too-thin cotton, and i transfered it from an original drawing (original except for the guns and flames, which are jenny hart's designs, obv.) using the ol' tape-to-the-window-and-trace method. et viola.