
Comes Slow and Goes Fast
So I do realize that if I continue to post things every seven months no one will bother reading the measly entries I do make. I'll try to be better. The thought for today is this: where do people get their money?! I'm thinking in particular of all the lovely crafting blogs out there, which all seem to feature lovely updates of near-constant redecoration. I seriously don't get how people who appear to be stay-at-home moms can find the dough (and time) to pay for new homes, renovations, and cool-looking furniture. I guess I'm jealous, but it's cool. I found some free (aks discarded) wooden wine boxes on the street yesterday that have now been fashioned into a festive fabric shelf next to my "craft station" (basically a bureau also found on the street). Our house is rocking, as my dear husband calls it, "hobo chic."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

4:07 AM  

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